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Beskrivelser (meta) og den slags

Alle vitaminerne og mineralerne skal opdeles – én side til hver.


  • Gennemgå alle vitaminer med information fra denne side.
  • Vitamin D skal opdeles i flere underliggende.
  • B7 Biotin mangler kilder !!! (Det gør de fleste vist…)
  • opdater billederne for vitaminerne (farve og de resterende)
  • gå det hele efter
  • tilføj punkt under alle vitaminerne – hvor får man naturligt denne vitamin fra ?

Mineralerne skal færddiggøres

  • Gennemgå daglige doser – kan de opdateres ?
  • tilføj punkt under alle mineraler – hvor får man naturligt dette mineral fra ?
  • Grafik til venstre side
  • Gå det hele efter

Siden om Spirulina skal gøres færdig.

Siden om Turmeric og Curcumin skal gøres færdig.

  • Forsøg med brug af Curcumin i forhold til farmaceutisk medicin – skal det med ?

Siden om Cayennepeber skal gøres færdig

Siden om sort peber skal gøres færdig

Siden om detox skal gøres færdig

Listen over æteriske olier skal færdiggøres

  • Olierne skal kategori opdeles – skal opdeles efter nogle ikoner (lettere oversigt)
  • Lav liste over bæreolier (carrier oils) Inspirations liste
  • Tilføje de æteriske olier, der kan bruges til rengøring, på de sider, der har med rengøring at gøre

Gigt og knogleskørhed skal gøres færdig

msm methylsulfonylmethane

  • mangler mange kildehenvisninger
  • skal gås igennem

Den sidste ting, som Lizzie skal have, skal der skriver om.

Siden om astma skal gøres færdig

Sæbe – er det godt eller skidt for huden ? skal gøres færdig

  • tilføj link til siden fra Rosacea – til sidst med ‘hold huden ren dagligt’.



Artikel om sunde bade – mineraler (blåt vand) + æteriske olier

Hunde og vitaminer og kosttilskud



Diskussionen om, ascorbinsyre er vitamin c eller ej, er underordnet. Et vitamin defineres ud fra, at kroppen ikke selv kan producerer det. Muligvis indeholder vitamin c fra en citron nogle ekstra dele, end ren ascorbinsyre gør.


B12 Cobalamin

Vitamin B12 is produced in nature by certain bacteria, and archaea. It is synthesized by some bacteria in the gut flora in humans and other animals, but humans cannot absorb this as it is made in the colon, downstream from the small intestine, where the absorption of most nutrients occurs.

Vitaminer fortsat

Vitamin B5 –> magnesium
Mangel på B3 (niacin) kan lede til dementia og altzheimers

Gigt : Frankincense can inhibit the production of key inflammatory molecules associated with conditions like arthritis, asthma, painful bowel disorders like IBS and many more conditions. (Kilde :

zink –> A-vitamin og zink arbejder sammen, og mangel på det ene svækker derfor det andet.

diabetiker –> mangel på A vitamin –> Diabetes med manglende evne til at omdanne betacaroten
diabetes –> En amerikansk undersøgelse blandt overvægtige og normalvægtige børn har afsløret, at de overvægtige børn har tre gange så stor risiko for at udvikle mangel på D-vitamin. Både overvægt og mangel på D-vitamin sættes i forbindelse med øget risiko for insulinresistens (nedsat evne til at optage blodsukker i cellerne) samt diabetes 2. Ved diabetes 1 har man også fundet udbredt mangel på D-vitamin. (kilde :

alternativ til rengøringsmiddel —> frankicense olie ! sammen med Myrr olie – de forstærker hinanden. (Kilde :

Under kroppens optagelse af jern er vitamin C uundværlig. Det omdanner jernet til en lettere optaglig version, og forøger derved drastisk kroppens optag af jern.

Cancer –> vitamin C !!

Vitamin E –> Når C-vitamin har udført sit arbejde som antioxidant og fjernet frit radikal, mister det sin antioxidante effekt og bliver selv til et frit radikal. E-vitamin har dog evnen til at rette C-vitamin op igen – og det samme sker for E-vitaminet, når det har brug for et løft. Det er derfor væsentligt, at vi sikrer begge vitaminer i det daglige – det er ALTID bedst at indtage så mange af de vitale stoffer gennem kosten som muligt, da der er langt flere samarbejder på kryds og tværs i junglen af vitaminer og mineraler end denne.

Vitamin A
1 IU retinol = 0.3 mcg RAE
1 IU supplemental beta-carotene = 0.3 mcg RAE
1 IU dietary beta-carotene = 0.05 mcg RAE
1 IU dietary alpha-carotene or beta-cryptoxanthin = 0.025 mcg RAE

Vitaminer fortsat igen

  • A-, D-, K- og C-vitamin opbygger og vedligeholder skelet, muskler, slimhinder og hud.
  • B-vitaminer omsætter kulhydrater, proteiner og fedt til energi.
  • K-vitamin er med til at få blod til at størkne.
  • B12-vitamin danner blodlegemer.
  • C- og E-vitamin opretter immunforsvaret og det antioxidative forsvar.
  • Folat, B12, og A-vitamin regulerer gener og vækst.
  • A-vitamin er nødvendig for synsfunktionen.

Kilde :

K2 vitaminer

K2-vitamin og blodfortyndende medicin

Læger har i mange år frarådet indtag af K-vitamin samtidig med indtagelse af blodfortyndende medicin, de såkaldte antikoagolan- ter. Nyere forskning viser dog ifølge Kappa Bioscience, at en mo- derat mængde K2-vitamin faktisk kan hjælpe med at stabilisere den antikoagulerende effekt af warfarin. Samtidig ser det ud til, at vitaminet beskytter mod bivirkningerne af medicinen, som er en øget risiko for blodpropper og blødninger. Man skal dog altid råd- føre sig med sin læge, hvis man bruger blodfortyndende medicin. Der er imidlertid ingen tvivl om, at det kan have store sundheds- mæssige konsekvenser helt at undgå K-vitamin, da mangel på vitaminet netop kan føre til en øget afkalkning af knoglerne med flere benbrud og åreforkalkning til følge. Mangeltilstande kan også føre til en øget blødningstendens fra slimhinder i næsesvælg, mave, tarm, urinveje og hjerne tillige med menstruationsbesvær og en tendens til blå mærker.

Kilde :


  • Calcium og magnesium opbygger og vedligeholder knogler og skelet.
  • Zink opbygger og vedligeholder væv i kroppen.
  • Calcium og magnesium er nødvendige for, at musklerne kan arbejde optimalt.
  • Calcium er med til at få blodet til at størkne.
  • Jern er vigtig for transport af ilt i kroppen.
  • Zink, magnesium og jod omsætter næringsstoffer.
  • Zink og selen er vigtige for immunforsvar og det antioxidative forsvar.
  • Jod er vigtig i produktionen af hormoner.

Kilde :

Vitaminer og mineraler

Kropsfunktion: Vitaminer og mineraler, der bidrager:


 Energistofskifte * Calcium, jern, jod, kobber, magnesium, mangan, thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pantotensyre (vitamin B5), vitamin B6, biotin (vitamin B7), vitamin B12, vitamin C
 Hud Jod, vitamin A, riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), biotin (vitamin B7), zink
 Hår Biotin (vitamin B7), selen, zink
 Immunsystem Folsyre, jern, kobber, selen, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, zink
 Knogler Calcium, magnesium, mangan, vitamin D, vitamin K, zink
 Kognitiv funktion Jern, jod, zink
 Mental ydeevne Pantotensyre (vitamin B5)
 Mindsker træthed og udmattelse Folsyre, jern, magnesium, riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pantotensyre (vitamin B5), vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C
 Muskelfunktion Calcium, magnesium, vitamin D
 Negle Selen, zink
 Nervesystem Jod, kobber, magnesium, thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin B6, biotin (vitamin B7), vitamin B12, vitamin C
 Psykologisk funktion Magnesium, thiamin (vitamin B1), niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin B6, biotin (vitamin B7), vitamin B12, Vitamin C
 Slimhinder Vitamin A, vitamin B2, niacin (vitamin B3), biotin (vitamin B7)
 Syn Vitamin A, riboflavin (vitamin B2), zink
 Tænder Calcium, magnesium, vitamin D

* Energistofskiftet er de processer i kroppen, der omsætter mad m.m. til stoffer, som får kroppen til at fungere.

Kilde =

Zink bruges også til

Some men take zinc by mouth for male fertility problems and enlarged prostate, as well as erectile dysfunction (ED).

Zinc is taken by mouth for osteoporosis, cysts on the ovaries, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, warts, and muscle cramps in people with liver disease. It is also used for sickle cell disease, itching, rosacea, hair loss, psoriasis, eczema, acne, a blood disorder called thalassemia, Alzheimer’s disease, Down syndrome, Hansen’s disease, and cystic fibrosis.

It is also taken by mouth for cancer prevention, including esophageal cancer, colon and rectal cancer, stomach cancer, brain cancer, head and neck cancer recurrence, nasal and throat cancer recurrence, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Zinc is used by mouth to prevent inflammation in the lining of the digestive tract, chemotherapy-related complications, anemia, pregnancy-related complications including iron deficiency, vitamin A deficiency (taken with vitamin A), seizures, arsenic poisoning, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), clogged arteries, leukemia, burns, diaper rash, leprosy, and skin lesions caused by leishmania infection.

Some athletes use zinc by mouth for improving athletic performance and strength.

Zinc is also applied to the skin for treating acne, foot ulcers caused by diabetes, leg ulcers, diaper rash, warts, aging skin, brown patches on the face, herpes simplex infections, parasitic infections, and to speed wound healing. Zinc is also applied to the anus for people with problems controlling bowel movements.

Zinc citrate is used in toothpaste and mouthwash to prevent dental plaque formation and gingivitis. Zinc is also used in chew gum, candies, and mouth rinses to treat bad breath.

There is a zinc preparation that can be sprayed in the nostrils for treating the common cold.

Zinc sulfate is used in eye drop solutions to treat eye irritation.

Zinc is injected into the vein to improve nutrition in people recovering from burns.

Note that many zinc products also contain another metal called cadmium. This is because zinc and cadmium are chemically similar and often occur together in nature. Exposure to high levels of cadmium over a long time can lead to kidney failure. The concentration of cadmium in zinc-containing supplements can vary as much as 37-fold. Look for zinc-gluconate products. Zinc gluconate consistently contains the lowest cadmium levels.



  • Phytates in cereals and soy inhibit absorption of zinc by binding with it ( except zinc bisglycinate found in Metabolics zinc formula).
  • Caesin in milk and calcium inhibit absorption by binding with zinc ions.
  • Iron inhibits absorption of zinc.Copper ( in high amounts ) inhibits Zinc absorption. In studies using 15mg zinc combined with 2mg copper no inhibition of absorption was found.Cadmium- toxic levels of cadmium can inhibit zinc absorption

Kilde =

Calcium og potassium under magnetisk effekt

Your body naturally has magnetic and electric fields. All your molecules have a small amount of magnetic energy in them. The thought behind magnetic field therapy is that certain problems happen because your magnetic fields are out of balance. If you put a magnetic field near your body, it’s believed things will go back to normal.

Ions like calcium and potassium help your cells send signals. In tests, scientists have seen magnets change how these ions act. However, so far, there isn’t evidence that magnets have the same effect on cells when they’re in your body.

(Kilde :


Osteoporosis: Studies have shown that a potassium-rich diet may help prevent osteoporosis, a condition associated with an increased risk of bone fractures (9Trusted Source, 26Trusted Source, 27Trusted Source, 28Trusted Source). (Kilde).

Supplementation with boron stimulates bone growth in vitamin-D deficient animals and alleviates dysfunctions in mineral metabolism characteristic of vitamin-D deficiency (Kilde).




Bone building and breakdown

Bone continually undergoes a process of remodeling, which entails resorption and formation. During resorption (A), cells known as osteoclasts attach to the bone surface and break it down, releasing calcium into the blood stream and leaving trenches in the bone (B). Different cells called osteoblasts release collagen into these troughs and eventually evolve into structural bone cells or osteocytes (C). These cells combine with calcium and other minerals to form a cement-like substance known as hydroxyapatite, completing the formation of new bone (D). (Kilde).

Interestingly, studies show that a potassium-rich diet may help prevent osteoporosis by reducing how much calcium the body loses through urine (24, 25, 26Trusted Source).

In a study in 62 healthy women aged 45–55, scientists found that people who ate the most potassium had the greatest total bone mass (2Trusted Source).

In another study with 994 healthy premenopausal women, scientists found that those who ate the most potassium had more bone mass in their lower back and hip bones (27Trusted Source).

Kilde =




Gigt og vitamin D –> kalk optag. (Kilde).


Low potassium is associated with a risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, cancer, digestive disorders, and infertility. (Kilde).


Collagen er en vigtig del til vedligeholdelse og opbygning af brusk. (Kilde – nederst side 1).



Based on the preclinical and clinical data, it is obvious that chondroprotectives such as glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and other nutrients, such as antioxidants and PUFAs, can modulate osteoarthritis. In long-term use they exhibit, in contrast to NSAIDs, an excellent safety profile, with as few adverse events as placebo.

The chondroprotectives are essential components of the cartilage metabolism and stimulate important cartilage regeneration processes, thereby adjusting the imbalance of catabolic and anabolic processes in osteoarthritis.

Newer data point out that inflammation and oxidative stress are characteristics of all stages of the disease. Chondroprotectives are able to inhibit many of these processes. They defend chondrocytes against

oxidative stress-induced apoptosis, reduce the inflammatory mediator-induced joint cartilage degeneration, and reactivate the inflammation-reduced anabolic processes of extracellular matrix components. This leads to reduced inflammation, swelling, and pain, and to an increased mobility of the affected joints. Especially when used in combination with other nutrients, such as antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, these substances are able to exert synergistic effects on the osteoarthritic joints.

Recently new study results were published that demonstrate promising effects of further food substances or phytochemicals, such as contained in ginger extracts, showing various antiosteoarthritic actions and, for example, even intra-articular resveratrol showing chondroprotective effects in a rat animal model.

In summary, future “nutraceutical” approaches to OA most likely will have to be more complex and should include glucosamine sulfate (and/or chondroitin sulfate) together with hyaluronic acid, collagen hydrolysate, and several other nutrients which were shown to have promising actions on joint cartilage, synovial fluid, and overall clinical outcome in OA patients. (Kilde).

Mutipel Sclerose (MS)

I artiklen fra University of Calfornia, som du refererer til henvises til Dr. Michael Demetriou, Ani Grigorian m.fl`s senest studie på rotter med MS (1). Her fandt de frem til, at oral N-acetylglucosamin (GlcNAc) hæmmer vækst og funktion af unormale T-celler, hvormed inflammationsprocessen i centralnervesystemet hæmmes. Der nævnes i artiklen, at N-acetyl-glucosamine er mere effektivt end glucosamine sulfat. Dette passer i overens med et andet studie, hvor man ikke fandt nogen gavnlig effekt ved at give oral glucosamine sulfat til personer med MS (2). (Kilde).


Cola / knogler & tænder
Phosphoric acid (findes i cola) has been linked to lower bone density in some epidemiological studies, including a discussion in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
*Other studies showed the opposite – that *low* intake of phosphorus leads to lower bone density. Guess who funded the studies? PepsiCo.
Aside from the risk of osteoporosis, cola consumption has also been linked to chronic kidney disease and kidney stones.


Ellers kan brintoverilte bruge til :

  • Hårblegning
  • Tandblegning (frarådes af eksperter, da det bevirker, at emalien bliver porøs.)


Hvad er brusk ?

Brusk er et fast og gummiagtigt materiale, der dækker enderne af knoglerne i de fleste led.

Når ledet bevæger sig, og bliver udsat for stress, absorberer brusken de stød dette medfører.

Brusk kan ændre form, fordi det er mere end 70% vand, som kan omfordeles med bevægelse. (Kilde).

Æteriske olier

Æteriske olier

Some of them help with wound healing, have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects (such as cedar, pine, fir and chamomile oil). Others increase efficiency, concentration and improve memory (such as fir, ginger, tea tree, lemon, basil, verbena, rose).

There are essential oils that cleanse toxins and carcinogens – such as dill oil, lemon grass, rosemary, pepper, cedar cypress, etc. There are even essential oils that can be used as safe and natural insecticides, such as geranium, eucalyptus or juniper oils, while oils such as ylang-ylang, sandalwood, mint, tangerine, cardamom are used to slow down the aging process.

Kaphas are calm, steady, and reliable when their dosha is balanced, but as soon as they fall off kilter, Kaphas can slow down to the point of inactivity. This means they can be sluggish, have a hard time motivating themselves, and can struggle with weight gain, allergies, and even depression.

Aromatherapy is one way Kaphas can reinvigorate their dosha and get back on track.

Not a Kapha?
Aromatherapy for Vata
Aromatherapy for Pitta
Take the Dosha Quiz
The energy and information you take in through your senses influence the quality of your thoughts and emotions. Smell is the most primitive of the senses, triggering a strong connection between aromas and your memories, emotions, and instincts. When you smell something, you actually absorb some of its molecules. Because of this, aromatherapy can be an effective form of natural medicine.

Many people have experienced powerful results using this ancient practice, including relief from migraine headaches, joint pain, skin rashes, anxiety, insomnia, and many other physical and emotional conditions.


Acne is driven by obstruction of oil-producing glands, bacteria and inflammation (20Trusted Source).

Studies suggest that both topical and oral zinc treatments can effectively treat acne by reducing inflammation, inhibiting the growth of P. acnes bacteria and suppressing oily gland activity (21Trusted Source).

People with acne tend to have lower levels of zinc. Therefore, supplements may help reduce symptoms (22Trusted Source).